Friday afternoon. Nadav and Aviv are
playing with kapla on the carpet next to me. I drink green tea Sencha grand
cru. My Parisian (and zuriquoise) girlfriends got this great tea in the beautiful
Mariage Tea boutique in the Marais. This is a complex ceremony to prepare it -
indeed it must infuse exactly at sixty degrees - but its therapeutic powers
against cancer are unrivaled. It is also good for prevention, so dear friends, just
go for it!
What a beautiful day! I started it with
my yoga classes with my lovely Liat Mandel yoga teacher. She concocted a lesson
with a lot of work on the arms and shoulders and I really felt it boosted the
healing forces in my chest. Then I had lunch with my niece Claire and Lia at
the veggy restaurant of Meshek Barzilay in Yarkona.
But the big moment of this day was
certainly the Hat Shower! My sister Yvonne called me Tuesday night and asked me what I thought of inviting friends to a
"Hat Shower". I must say that initially I did not really understood what she meant. But then she explained that it's
about bringing together friends who are aware of what I'm going through, who
want to help and express their friendship.. The idea is to ask each friend to
bring me a hat or scarf before my hair fall, by next week. I quickly felt that it
was a really good idea. Since the news broke, I received many messages of
encouragement and comfort and I have often felt how these messages are beneficial to me. But at the same time, friends
often wonder what I need and I do not know exactly what to say. But here, hats
and scarves are going to become really essential for the coming six months..
There is also another dimension that I learnt
about from conversations with women who have gone through chemotherapy: the
hair is a part of our identity as women, a marker of femininity. Losing hair in
bunches is perceived as the most traumatic moment, the most depressing.
Although the nausea, vomiting, pain is hard and heavy to bear, but hair loss is
a blow to morale.
As I already understood it: High spirit is
essential to deal effectively with the disease. And now, after, I feel so
happy! It was so warm! I felt so much kindness and affection from all those who
came to bring me scarves and hats! And they are so beautiful these hats and scarves!
I was so spoiled! I've tried them all, I had fun, I found my reflection in the
mirror amusing. I even thought that, I may find pleasure in harmonizing
clothing and head coverings .
I feel much stronger to cope with the
painful moment whenever it comes! So thank you so much to my dear sister and to
you my friends! Thank you for coming! Thank you for being there for me!
Que tout cet amour et cette amitié que tu as autour de toi te portent dans cette aventure de la vie qui sera seulement un passage parmi tant d'autres. Ce blog est parfait pour toi Myriam, c'est une excellente idée ! Et de France, on t'envoie toute l'énergie nécessaire et notre amitié pour affronter les prochains mois. Tu rayonnes par ton courage et ta sérénité. Avec mon amitié, Chantal P. de Hyères