I delayed writing this post. I started
several times but I have not managed to complete it.
Last week I had a cold that turned me
My blood tests, however, were good enough
for me to receive the last of AC chemotherapy (adriamicine cytoplasmine or as
Denis and I have called it: Hadrian. It was my Farewell to Hadrien
I'm halfway done on the Chemo
The trouble is that this fourth treatment
was really tough on me.
I'm exhausted, immense incredible fatigue..
I can barely walk .. This morning we
walked an hour but I was hanging like a tired snail.
Yesterday I managed to go to my yoga
class and after, I felt like a mountain climber who had just arrived at the
summit of incredible Everest .. All what seemed obvious to me has become almost
superhuman effort.
I also feel a total loss of appetite. I
have a metal taste in the mouth. The bright side of things is that I have lost
weight! Lia even convinced me to buy me a cute little dress
In recent days I have a sore throat and I
find it hard to swallow .. Suzy yesterday toured pharmacies in Hod Hasharon for
me to find homeopathic remedies alongside with telephone support from our
expert in homeopathic care, Sophie. It is a little better today
Finally, the big downside is the moral ..
I was told so but I was hoping to slip through the net. I have recurrent and
pessimistic thoughts. I feel in a endless tunnel and I have trouble to project
myself into the future after the treatment .. Yet I am working hard on myself.
Suzy told me how to address these evil
thoughts .. When I feel exhausted after a dinner resumed to one artichoke. Thanks
Laurence! I appeal to the discouraging thoughts by explaining that digestion is
hard work for everyone and there is nothing to dramatize . When going upstairs
seems impossible mission I recall right away that a wonderful mattress awaits
me at the top of the stairs and near him an ultra neat pile of books is waiting
for me! I am lucky to have time to have full legitimation to read such good
books (to name just a few: And Nietzche wept, Eldorado, the old man who did not
want to celebrate his birthday, if happiness, So beautiful, so fragile
Today, I told my friend Noga I would like
to organize a fun party with great music and good catering to celebrate my
recovery with all the friends and relatives who support us, nurture us and
encourage us in these difficult days. . I think several times a day at this Party
.. I call it into my mind when swallowing or saying two words seem
insurmountable challenges ..
In short, this is called the accumulative
And if you want to understand what it is about
here is information in English:
Yet I am so surrounded .. Denis first who gives me so much love and never loses patience, despite my mood swings. Our children who give me
the strength to get up when it seems impossible. Sophie, who arrived from
Switzerland and visits me often. Our friends from the community who continue to
feed us and invite us. Their kindness is overwhelming! My sisters that call me
so often, come to visit me and amuse children .. My team and colleagues that work so hard because of me being so weak..
And these emails and calls from colleagues and friends from near and far. These gifts sent to me: thank you Julie, Shevy, Laurence, Audrey, Annie, Ktsia, Sophie ..
And these emails and calls from colleagues and friends from near and far. These gifts sent to me: thank you Julie, Shevy, Laurence, Audrey, Annie, Ktsia, Sophie ..
The Thank you list is so long for the
last two weeks of delicious food, I hope I did not forget anyone: Bat Chen Geminer, Nicky, Tamar Gal-Naaman, Arbelle, Ossie, Etty Gutman, Natie, Avital Drori, Ziona, Avigail, Ilana
Mushkin, Karni, Claire and Noga. THANK YOU!
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